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Best Bets: Events to Anticipate, Week of 3/28/16


What’s going on around here post-Easter break?

If you feel the need to be carried away for a while by breathtaking music, ward-winning pianist Andrey Ponochevny, who teaches piano here at UD, will give a recital on Monday, March 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Church of the Incarnation.

If it’s art and religion you’re after, each Tuesday through April 19, there will be a Nostra Aetate reading based on the Marc Chagall etchings on display in the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery. On March 29, the etching will be "Moses and the Burning Bush," with the presentation and discussion focusing on Exodus 3.1-5 and the theme of revelation. The reading will begin with a presentation of the etching by Scott Peck, gallery director, and Catherine Caesar, assistant professor of art history. This will be followed by the featured speaker, who for the March 29 reading is Cistercian Father Thomas Esposito, affiliate assistant professor of theology. He will speak on prayer and devotion. This presentation will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Art History Auditorium.

Also on Tuesday at 12:30 (’ll have to choose one or the other!), Ven. Geshe Lhakdor will give a talk titled “Philosophy and Science in Tibetan Buddhist Monasticism” over in SB Hall in the Serafy Special Events Room.

Especially for C.S. Lewis and Narnia fans, on Thursday, March 31, at 6 p.m. in the Art History Auditorium, the English and History Departments will host a lecture delivered by Michael Ward, Ph.D., titled “Chesterton, Lewis and the Planets.” Ward is a senior research fellow at Blackfriars Hall at the University of Oxford, the author of “Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis,” and co-editor of “The Cambridge Companion to C.S. Lewis.”

Finally, for you philosophers, there will be a Philosophy Colloquium on Friday, April 1, at 3 p.m. in Braniff 201. Professor and Chairman of Philosophy Philipp Rosemann, Ph.D., will speak “In Defense of Plagiarism.”

And, of course, through April 22, UD’s Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery is hosting “Marc Chagall: Intersecting Traditions.” You should really go see it.

For more information on these and other events, visit our calendar.

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