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Best Bets: Events to Anticipate, Week of 3/21/16


Well, we’ve been back from Spring Break for a week now, and everyone’s settling into the second half of the semester. You might even be starting to feel a little panicky, realizing that even though you just survived midterms, finals aren’t that far off.

Try to remain calm. You can do it. One day, one week at a time. And take breaks. Breaks are important. On Monday, March 21, for example, take a break sometime between 4 and 7 p.m., and come to Upstairs Hagger for Casting Call 2016. You don’t have to be there for the full three hours -- just 15 minutes or so! You’ll get some Chick-Fil-A, a T-shirt and a professional headshot, all for answering a few simple questions. If you’re “cast,” your story will be featured in promotional pieces, ads and videos, sharing with prospective students why you came to UD, what it means to you and where you’re going.

Then, on Tuesday, March 22, you can eat an early lunch and (at 12:30, to be precise), head over to the Art History Auditorium to a Nostra Aetate reading. Each Tuesday through April 19, there will be one of these readings based on the Marc Chagall etchings on display in the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery. This Tuesday, the etching will be "Jacob Wrestling the Angel," with the presentation and discussion focusing on Genesis 28.12-15 and the theme of heaven. The reading will begin with a presentation of the etching by Scott Peck, gallery director, and Catherine Caesar, assistant professor of art history. This will be followed by the featured speaker, who for the March 22 reading is Cistercian Father Roch Kereszty, adjunct professor of theology. He will speak on Christian thought.

To continue with the Marc Chagall theme, on Wednesday, March 23, you can return to the Art History Auditorium at 6 p.m. to hear David Jeffrey, Ph.D., Baylor University distinguished professor of literature and humanities, deliver a talk titled “Marc Chagall: The Visual Torah” in conjunction with the Marc Chagall exhibition. A dessert reception will follow the lecture.

Also, in case you haven’t caught on yet, through April 22, UD’s Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery is hosting “Marc Chagall: Intersecting Traditions.” Go by and see it when you have a chance!


For more information on these and other events, visit our calendar.

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