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Top DFW Female Executives to Discuss Imposter Syndrome


Have you ever felt like you don’t deserve your successes? Whether it be an A on a test, a compliment from a friend or coworker, or a promotion at work, do you sometimes feel unworthy of your achievements, suspicious that they’re the result of mere luck or other people’s misevaluation of your competence, rather than something you have rightfully earned?

You’re not alone. On Wednesday, Oct. 17, some of Dallas/Fort Worth’s top female business leaders and executives will share their experience with and tips for fighting these nagging insecurities in a panel discussion titled, “Women in Business: A Discussion on Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It.”

Quite simply, imposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which a person doubts his or her accomplishments and fears being “found out” as unworthy of praise or success. Often associated with perfectionism, feelings like these can affect virtually anyone but are more commonly found in women. In the business world especially, where women are the minority, young female professionals are especially susceptible. All too often these doubts creep into their thoughts, making them wonder if they’re not actually qualified for their positions, or worse, if someone will eventually find out that they’re not good enough.

The panel discussion will address these insecurities as well as give advice on how to weed out such doubts based on the speakers’ own experiences as women in business. The panelists will include: Lara Kent, vice president of Holmes Murphy & Associates; Marta May, executive vice president of people and inclusion at Freeman Co.; Lisa Truppa, assistant vice president of technology at AT&T; and Julie Weber, University of Dallas Trustee and vice president and chief people officer at Southwest Airlines. The panel will be moderated by Beverly Goulet, former executive vice president and chief integration officer at American Airlines.

All students and alumni are welcome to join us for lunch and networking with the speakers from 11-11:30 a.m. in the SB Hall Multipurpose Room, followed by the panel discussion until 1 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Study USA and UD’s Satish and Yasmin Gupta College of Business.

Interested in learning more about imposter syndrome and how to fight it? RSVP here.

For students interested in a unique post-event job recruiting opportunity, please send your resume to

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