Nearly all businesses are affected gravely in many circumstances by today's unsettled economic environment. The anxiety is compounded by uncertainty: How long will the crisis last, and what will business look like on the other side of recovery?
Through this adversity, industry leaders, including our faculty experts in the University of Dallas’ Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business, are paving a global discussion.
To date, more than 400 business professionals, faculty, alumni, corporate partners, prospective students and friends of the university have tuned in to the UD Leadership Lab Lecture Series. The virtual lecture series is sponsored by the Gupta College of Business and Office of Corporate & Community Partnerships, and showcases topics ever more relevant in today’s uncertain climate with the university’s commitment to leadership excellence.
Timely industry discussions run the gamut — from overcoming the challenges of everyday anxiety to unearthing financial intricacies that yield greater understanding on the state of our economic crisis. Virtual panel speakers consist of UD faculty and alumni from top employers across Dallas/Fort Worth, including the leading aerospace defense contractor Lockheed Martin, the global medical eye care product company Alcon, and Verizon, to name a few.
In the spirit of fostering further dialogue, we sought some anonymous audience feedback to provide a brief sampling of what others have already gleaned. These responses, overwhelmingly heartfelt, are shared by viewers across the country in a joint effort to nurture our united path to recovery.
“I like to consider myself an innately curious person — dare I say, a lifelong learner. Today's discussion peaked my interest in seeking something more than another notch in the belt from YouTube and self-directed learning.”
“Your information today gave me the information needed to inspire my son to be a lifelong learner as both my husband and myself.”
“What particularly stuck out to me was Dr. Dilla's description of the four different team performance skills: thinking, doing, relating and persuading. ... It was eye-opening to see how we come together as a team by playing out these different roles.”
“This webinar provided specific things that can be utilized and implemented in one's work life and across other areas in one's life where leadership skills are needed.”
“A beautiful lecture that taught me more than I could have expected!” — one incoming UD freshman
“The approach and content were spot on. I loved J. Lee’s inclusion of faith.”
“With 9/11, the East Coast blackout, Katrina and COVID-19, there are technical challenges and adaptive challenges that must be managed by leaders. I can use your content in my technical courses to help technical people be great leaders.”
On Wednesday, July 29, the UD Leadership Lab Lecture Series featured alumna and Co-Thrive founder Radha Sathe, MS '00, on "Co-Thrive Leadership in Community.”
The next upcoming lecture in the series, titled “Strategic Thinking and Storytelling as a Leader,” will feature Associate Professor of English Brett Bourbon, Ph.D., of the university’s Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, on Wednesday, Aug. 26.
Learn more and RSVP for the next upcoming UD Leadership Lab.