The American Enterprise Institute's (AEI) Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies Yuval Levin announced the inauguration of a new lecture series, titled “E Pluribus Unum: Sources of our Unity.” The series is a program of the Robert P. George Initiative on Faith, Ethics and Public Policy, and will be jointly sponsored by AEI and the University of Dallas.
The subject will be finding unity across lines of difference in our society — left and right, religious and secular, urban and rural, and more. The series will run for a year, with lectures twice a quarter.
Each lecture will feature a conversation between Robert George, Yuval Levin or University of Dallas President Thomas S. Hibbs and prominent figures in our public life, either discussing some facet of the challenge of unity or embodying different views and speaking about what divides and unifies them.
“I am delighted that UD will be collaborating with Princeton’s Robert George and AEI’s Yuval Levin, two brilliant philosophers and leading public intellectuals, on this most needed of initiatives,” said Hibbs.
“Our subject, finding unity amid enduring differences, couldn’t be more timely, and in Robert George and the University of Dallas we at AEI have the perfect partners to take it up,” commented Levin.
The first event in the series will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 1 p.m., and will be an online conversation with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks about his new book Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times. Levin will serve as moderator between Rabbi Sacks and Robert George. Learn more and RSVP to the inaugural event.
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